
Microfinance for rural microentrepreneurs


A company that provides financial solutions with social responsibility, driving the progress and sustainability of rural microentrepreneurs in Colombia.


Contactar is a microfinance company in Colombia recognized for its emphasis on working with rural microentrepreneurs. For their new offices, we created a comprehensive project, where we designed the interior, executed the construction work, and manufactured the furniture. We created different environments such as workstations, managerial offices, meeting rooms, and coffee areas.
The integration between spaces will allow Contactar's employees to work more efficiently and comfortably, fostering concentration and collaboration among teams. "It was a pleasure to work with a company like Solinoff. After being selected among a group of companies, today I am absolutely happy with the work done together," said Paulo Emilio Rivas, president of Contactar.
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Featured products

Poltrona Luna trineo

Luna Sled Chair

Sofá Olso

Olso sofa

Mesa Laptop

Laptop table

Mesa Gamma

Gamma table

Poltrona Alex

Alex chair

Cabina Meet

MEET booths

Contact us

Do you have any questions, comments, or need assistance with anything related to our catalog? We're here to help! Feel free to reach out to us.